Land, Research & Resource Management


We are from the land

This is our home. We aren’t caretakers of the land, we are from the land. We have that relationship and connection. Before the world was the way it is now, where the nature, the waters, the wilderness were a part of the people, and the people were a part of that. When we understand who we are are, our connectedness to this land, it gives us great pride and honour to be descendants of who we are now- the Semiahmoo people.

Our Culture encompasses all of that; the land, the air, the water, and our people are all connected as one. We need to protect the water, fish,  and the medicinal and spiritual places we have. 

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Our approach

We protect our land and resources by researching, and managing through traditional and modern practices. Our Elders are our portal to the past. They share an incredible depth of history and knowledge that has been passed down through the ages. They guide us on how to protect and manage traditionally. We also have a long time historian and archeologist on staff, Don Welsh. Don is a wealth of knowledge regarding old village sites and traditional hunting grounds. He also oversees thousands of artifacts and pieces of evidence verifying past generations life styles, diets, locations and culture.

In protecting our land and resources, we understand that it is necessary to monitor and manage for archaeological and environmental purposes. That is why we provide archeological and environmental monitoring for all types of construction projects.