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We strive to create business partnerships with companies that are looking to create meaningful relationships with first nations, and that have values consistent with our own.

With those partnerships we establish our commitment toward improving the lives of our people, our Nation, our partners, and the communities around us.

As well, we are committed to bridging the gap between aboriginal and non-aboriginal business by promoting opportunities for both SE-MI-AH-MU Development Corporation and our business partners.




Genesis Security Group

Provides the most diverse range of security services of any company in British Columbia, from guard services, to mobile security, to full VIP management.

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Canadian Landscaping and Civil Services Ltd.

Provides commercial landscaping, civil, earthworks, and residential landscaping services.

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Nation Fuel

Provides fuel services as a key initiative toward economic development for Indigenous communities.

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Corrcoat Services Inc.

Provides industrial coating and lining with both shop & field services to various industries.